New Gundam Card Game?
Bandai is developing an exciting new Gundam Trading Card Game (TCG) set in the beloved Mobile Suit Gundam universe, with a global launch planned for 2025. The game will...
New Gundam Card Game?
Bandai is developing an exciting new Gundam Trading Card Game (TCG) set in the beloved Mobile Suit Gundam universe, with a global launch planned for 2025. The game will...
Duskmourn for Pioneer
The upcoming Duskmourn: House of Horror set introduces impactful cards for Pioneer, including the Verge Cycle lands, which could become staples. New Leylines, particularly Leyline of Resonance, offer strong combo...
Duskmourn for Pioneer
The upcoming Duskmourn: House of Horror set introduces impactful cards for Pioneer, including the Verge Cycle lands, which could become staples. New Leylines, particularly Leyline of Resonance, offer strong combo...
State of the game
State of the game By David Taylor As of August 2024, the meta for the Dragon Ball Fusion World TCG is dynamic and competitive, with several strategies rising to prominence...
State of the game
State of the game By David Taylor As of August 2024, the meta for the Dragon Ball Fusion World TCG is dynamic and competitive, with several strategies rising to prominence...
Flesh and Blood Finally has Another Onboarding ...
By Dimos Flesh and Blood’s newest set, Heavy Hitters, is reminiscent of Welcome to Rathe, the game’s first set. The classes and play patterns are similar, and they’re both very...
Flesh and Blood Finally has Another Onboarding ...
By Dimos Flesh and Blood’s newest set, Heavy Hitters, is reminiscent of Welcome to Rathe, the game’s first set. The classes and play patterns are similar, and they’re both very...
Heavy Hitters Comes Out of the Gate Swinging
By Dimos Flesh and Blood’s latest set, Heavy Hitters, is now officially out and it seems to be a smashing success with nearly everyone. I’m fairly biased towards the set...
Heavy Hitters Comes Out of the Gate Swinging
By Dimos Flesh and Blood’s latest set, Heavy Hitters, is now officially out and it seems to be a smashing success with nearly everyone. I’m fairly biased towards the set...
Different Tones of Flesh and Blood Communities
By Dimos In my experience playing local Flesh and Blood events in three different countries and across about a half dozen separate communities, I’ve seen a lot of different expressions...
Different Tones of Flesh and Blood Communities
By Dimos In my experience playing local Flesh and Blood events in three different countries and across about a half dozen separate communities, I’ve seen a lot of different expressions...